- Berikut adalah 32 komentar yang saya peroleh daripada para pelajar untuk Trimester akhir sessi pengajian 2009/2010 (Januari - Mei, 2010).
- Tiada sebarang editan dibuat dan keseluruhan komentar yang diberi saya 'tampalkan' di sini buat perkongsian bersama. Saya tidak mempunyai akses untuk 'mengetahui' siapa yang memberikan komentar tertentu. Maknanya, para pelajar bebas untuk 'meluahkan' apa sahaja, mahu mengutuk dan menghentam mahupun memberikan cadangan boleh sahaja dilakukan dengan bebas.
- Pada Trimester tersebut, saya mengajar subjek 'Financial Management I (Pengurusan Kewangan I)' untuk para pelajar Tahun Satu bagi pengajian Ijazah pengkhususan Perbankan dan Kewangan.
- Komentar daripada anak murid kadang-kala boleh membuatkan saya tertawa keseorangan.
- Keseluruhannya, saya bersyukur dengan persepsi am mereka terhadap saya walaupun hakikatnya berada di dalam kelas Cikgu yang seorang ini bukanlah sedikit 'peritnya.' Sentiasa diasak dengan soalan spontan bertubi-tubi, perlu memikirkan tentang pengetahuan am juga isu-isu semasa, kata-kata perli yang wajib mereka terima andainya gagal memberikan respon di dalam kelas juga sekiranya datang lambat, 'ceramah' tentang nilai kehidupan, asyik-asyik si Cikgu akan kaitkan subjeknya dengan semangat cintakan negara dan keluarga dan kelas 2 jam tanpa henti yang memang sudah normal jarang sangat akan diberikan waktu rehat. Tapi saya tegaskan kepada mereka bahawa saya bukan mengajar semata-mata sebab saya dibayar gaji oleh universiti tetapi saya hadir ke kelas dengan niat untuk mendidik anak murid sebaik mungkin, berkongsi ilmu dan saya bertanggungjawab kepada harapan ibu dan ayah mereka supaya anak-anaknya 'belajar' dan 'siap sedia' untuk menjadi 'manusia' suatu hari nanti.
2. He always ask us a lot of questions other than textbook's question. I think this is great.We can learn more things.
3. A very funny lecturer...didn't feel boring when attended his lecture...the way of teaching is interesting and relax...
4. i'll try my very hard to finish the reading material and do all sort of exercise that i have with me
5. i gain some extra knowledge from sir. Give good explanation during lecture. very satisfied!
6. great lecturer with unique skills
7. i like his teaching way......
8. In tutorial section,have a lot of extra exercise,is good to do so,because practice makes perfect
9. thanks Sir for everythings i learned from you a lot
10. Mr. Fandi is really a great lecturer, the way he teach is really interesting
11. I like the way of teaching of this lecturer =)
12. As he said, he hobby is talking.He is humorous. His lecture is early in the morning, though, i never fall asleep in his class.and he did make me feel that finance is interesting.most importantly, i learnt a lesson that "i m stupid". this is good as to gain more knowledge in future.
13. This man made learning finance very FUN...CONGRATSSSSS
14. A nie lecturer, I wont feel boring during his lecturer hours.
15. Quite a funny lecturer.View more movie's trailer during break.haha..
16. Dont call my name so often during tutorial class...it makes me feel stress!!>.<>
17. Mr. Fendi is the best hope all FBL lecturers learn from him !
18. teaching too fast when explaining tutorial question..
19. GOOD~
20. I like mr.Fendi's way of teaching~some time funny,something serious~quite good for us to remember~thanks teacher~
21. im sure that Mr Fandi always call my name to do question number 3>
22. very funny to attend ur class.... even u cant remember me, mayb i'm not from ur tutorial section, so u dun noe me...haha~~ but, u r a good lecturer in MMU~~ all the best~~
23. he is a good lecturer! learn so many things from him.
24. His lectures are interesting. He teach a lot of extra knowledge.But,he is talking too much.
25. nice teaching..appreciated..
26. I like Mr Fandi teaching method^^~interesting~isamazing can remembered so many students name~haha~im cute so as you Mr Fandi~smile=]
27. Good lecture delivering. Lecture become more lively in that way.
28. Mr. Effandi is a good lecturer for me,I like his teaching style. It is very interesting and i can easily understand what he is teaching.
29. distinguished, a tactful, comforts and he has a powerful conscience in term of the explain and cooperative with the students, I wish for him the best time during his PhD research, i wish for him a shining future
30. i like the topic that u have discuss in the class exspecially the credit card seller or along secretary and how to choose bf!!! ahahaha~ then last tut just know u r no mood in talking when u r hungry! i want to said....ME TOO~~ LOL xixi^^
31. i think the lecturer like to ask the student question but i feel scare when he call one of us name. this is not because i don know the answer just feel scare answer the question in front so many people. He like to make fun with us. the problem is the time is not fair to us.cos after teaching 2 hours same subject w other session then teach the same things with us he feel tired and won teach us better than previous class.
32. It's an enjoyable learning environment! I don't have much friends in the class, but I will still go as nothing could hold me back from not attending it.
Neba2020: Kata-Kata Popular Cikgu Fendi Kepada Anak Muridnya - 'Jangan Jadi Robot,''Jangan Asyik Nak Menulis Apa Yang Saya Cakap,''Hidup Ini Mudah Tetapi Cukup Rumit,''Hidup Ini Lebih Daripada Belajar,''Kita Semuanya Bodoh, Kamu Bodoh dan Sayapun Bodoh,''Perkataan Ibu dan Ayah Juga Cikgu Akan Tuhan Jadikan Kebenaran,''Setiap 30 Minit di Dalam Kelas Adalah Sama Dengan RM10, Jangan Minta Kelas Habis Cepat, Kamu Yang Bodoh,''Saya Tidak Boleh Habiskan Kelas Cepat Sebab Saya Tak Mahu Gaji Saya Jadi Haram, Tuhan Sentiasa Tengok Apa Yang Kita Buat....'